Carte de vizita

Record nr. 60 08.05.2004 18:48:00
Nume: Steff Locatie: Milan, Italy, EU
Website: Referinta: Found using a search engine.
I forgot to thank you. Yes man, I wanna thank you for all the shit you wrote about US-EU. You should add that an average European guy knows better the rest of the world than an average American. Europe is not yet a superpower and will never be. It's gonna be more like a super-peacekeeper. "United in diversity" is the EU motto, superpowers don't respect minorities...

I swear I'll become a catholic priest the day I'll see an African-American president of the US and a former communist at the Pentagon...

Record nr. 59 08.05.2004 18:18:00
Nume: Steff Locatie: Milan, Italy, EU
Website: Referinta: Found using a search engine.
IÂ’ve just read your comparison between the US and the EU. ItÂ’s a cool work, very interesting, though I think you could improve it. DonÂ’t you think that aspects such as the number of heliports, airports, the lenght of highways, railways, etc is related to the fact that the US are bigger than the EU? In Europe urban areas are very close to each other, while in the US some communities are in the middle of nowhere! I really donÂ’t think that those criteria are helpful. My opinion is that you should focus more on macroeconomics and consumers tendencies as you did partially (gdp, inflation, # of internet users...)
By the way Italians eat more spaghetti, drive more motor scooters and own more cell-phones...Americans spend a lot of time on a car to go to work...Italians spend the same amount of time to find a parking space! Are those criteria of development? I hate cell-phones!!!

Record nr. 58 03.05.2004 22:58:00
Nume: Cori Locatie: United States
Website: Referinta: Found using a search engine.
First I believe that the information you "researched" may contain some facts, but how old is this info? Why is it important on a global level? Also, you just "listed" items rather than explained them. Your research is incomplete.

Second, I feel that as a "typical" American you would have nothing better to do with your time than make already hated Americans more hated by posting such irrational information; tall buildings, mtv and other gibberish...please, what makes you think those things contribute or make a superpower at all?!!! I for one, as an American, feel you have misrepresented my idea of a "superpower" and misrepresented Americans and their beliefs in general. Not all Americans feel as you.

I suggest you refrain from such further "research" before you offend additional people. For the most part, and from reading feedback from others, they are feeble minded people who just probably "took your word for it" and went about their day.


Record nr. 57 27.04.2004 13:19:00
Nume: Andrew Locatie: Edinburgh, UK
Website: A Gentle Introduction to SQL Referinta: Linked from another site.
Please consider linking to my SQL tutorial.
An interactive SQL tutorial using:
SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, DB2, Mimer SQL, PostgreSQL and Access.

Record nr. 56 21.04.2004 19:33:00
Nume: Lawrence Bishop VE3LAB Locatie: North Bay, Ontario, Canada
Website: World-Wide Radio Club Referinta: Found using a search engine.
Just stopped by.

Record nr. 55 20.04.2004 21:14:00
Nume: keks Locatie:
Website: prius Referinta:
Good site, thanks!

Record nr. 54 19.04.2004 20:06:00
Nume: fred Locatie: Colchester, England
Website: Referinta: From a friend.
I just wanna send free text messages.

Record nr. 53 10.04.2004 19:02:00
Nume: Deva Locatie: Miami, Florida, USA
Website: Escape Miami Referinta: Found using a search engine.
Hello and thank you for sharing this important informative vibrant interesting web site. I can see that it contains much important vital data and information that affects human and Earth and Universe kind in so many wonderful important ways! I will return and read more as soon as I can focus and concentrate and am more rested. The truth is out there. Please take our poll and find out for yourself if you too are an alien/extra terrestrial from another star system. Learn and discover the truth that's out there and of who you really are...

Record nr. 52 08.04.2004 11:36:00
Nume: Reinhardt Caraman Locatie: Iasi, Romania
Website: Hardy Antiques Referinta: Found using a search engine.
I really enjoyed visiting this site because I think it has succeeded in creating a neat,organized and balanced presentation of the important issues which affect our everyday life. I especially liked the page referring to the rural life in Romania for I believe it is realistic and very "to the point" when it comes to the problems of our country. Likewise, I also liked the page comparing the European Union to the United States because it gives us an acurrate insight on the differnces between two "completely different worlds" competeing for world supremacy.

Record nr. 51 12.03.2004 12:00:00
Nume: The REAL Viking Locatie: Iceland
Website: Referinta: Found using a search engine.

Very good website you have here,

I am glad to put my step on it, I send send you and your visitors my best greetings.

And you are ALL " WELCOME " to visit my little website one day

Vous êtes bienvenu pour visiter mon website

Usted es bienvenido visitar mi webpage

Dé la bienvenida para visitar mi website.

Record nr. 50 08.03.2004 00:58:00
Nume: AJ Locatie: Germany
Website: Partnersuche Referinta: Linked from another site.
It's a nice site,
Congratulation and my best wishes!
Thank you and greetings from Germany.

Record nr. 49 01.02.2004 11:49:00
Nume: Harry Locatie: Berlin Deutschland
Website: German Cult Berlin Referinta: Found using a search engine.
The fantastic Car Club:

Record nr. 48 26.01.2004 06:41:00
Nume: TUTURUGA_batelor Locatie: ibaraki,japan
Website: Referinta: Found using a search engine.
i just want to now this page

Record nr. 47 14.12.2003 22:12:00
Nume: alin Locatie:
Website: Referinta: From a friend.
buna ziua
vreau si eu sa traduc o carte de la motor care este in germana
si imi trebuie la rar
ma poate ajuta cineva
va multumesc

Record nr. 46 21.11.2003 19:10:00
Nume: Costin Anton Locatie: Bucuresti/Romania
Website: Law firm Referinta: From a friend.
Wonderful site! I really enjoyed my visit. Thanks for sharing.
Our team includes well-trained practitioners in various fields of Romanian and USA business law. We have worked hard to build what is now a strong multidisciplinary practice, as our aim is to propose seamless business solutions compliant with the law, financially efficient and cost effective.
Stop by and check out my sites when you get a chance:

Record nr. 45 02.11.2003 19:47:00
Nume: Miklos Locatie: beius
Website: Lucrare2000 Referinta: Linked from another site.

I like you site, because I find some interesting pages about Star Trek.
I am a Star Trek fan too.
I am from Beius.
I must to go now, to visit some other sites.

By, and live long.

Record nr. 44 05.09.2003 13:50:00
Nume: Jasmine Merhie Locatie: Tr
Website: Cool Site Referinta: From a friend.
~ * ~ Excellent website.You did a good job.Good luck... ~ * ~

Record nr. 43 26.08.2003 06:21:00
Nume: ivan Locatie: Miami,Florida,USA
Website: Web Hosting Referinta: From a friend.
Hi, my friend told me to come see the design on your website and I am very impressed. I must say whoever did the design should keep up the great work :))

Record nr. 42 10.08.2003 04:07:00
Nume: Claudia Locatie: USA
Website: Claudia's Lightworker Supplies Referinta: Found using a search engine.
Wonderful site! I really enjoyed my visit. Thanks for sharing.

Stop by and check out my sites when you get a chance:

Record nr. 41 15.07.2003 13:46:00
Nume: Martina Locatie: Germany
Website: Play and Sing in English Referinta: Found using a search engine.
Hi! What is the purpose you compare the USA and the European Union for? To suggest that Romania should rather join the USA than the EU? And why is it so important for you to "prove" that the US are the only superpower? To justify everything they do all over the world? So dropping nuclear bombs on Japan was okay for you to prevent greater damage... Well, historians all around the globe point out that Japan (and Germany) had lost that stupid war before US bombs destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And to everybody who does not know what the cited World Factbook is: You find it at
Well - interesting site anyway...
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